Ever wondered what has changed in each new signature file released for The National Archives DROID tool?
Want a way to find out what objects a new signature file might affect or reclassify?
I have collected together all the available DROID signature files (still want more) and produced a little preservation watch tool that surmises changes between signature file versions. A summary is produced which outlines the signatures and file formats added to each new signature file. Additionally by selecting any two of the signature files, a user is also able to compare two specific versions.
Soon to be added will be the ability to subscribe to an email or RSS feed which alerts of new signature files and changes, allowing active preservation watch.
In order to tailor this more to a users n eeds I'm contemplating allowing selection of specific extensions/formats which users care a lot about and producing an alerting service which focusses on changes to only these types.
Thoughts welcome...