Friday, 27 June 2008

OAI-PMH + OAI-ORE (Atom) + Pronom Droid = Pretty

I've just finished writing a wrapper (very simple!) which takes a OAI-ORE Resource Map in Atom Format and classifies the objects which are listed in the Aggregation using the National Archives (UK) technical registry (Pronom).

The wrapper provides a simple front end to the DROID tool, it takes an OAI-PHM URI and requests the latest resource maps in atom format (ore-atom) and creates a list of the resources which are passed to DROID to classify directly.

The wrapper requires OAI-PMH as it requests all records which have been modified since it last did a parse of the repository. This way the wrapper can be scheduled to run once a day/week/month etc.

A single DROID xml file comes back as the output.

This is all working with EPrints repository software currently.

Next stage is to do something useful with the output xml in terms of providing useful data back to the repository manager.

Total lines of source code for the wrapper: 302 :)

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